IN order to do any sort of MySQL configuration when using Amazon RDS, you will need to setup these tools on your workstation.
- Download the following zip and extract it to the location of your choosing.
1. Ensure that JAVA version 1.5 or higher is installed on your system: (java -version)
2. Unzip the deployment zip file
3. Set the following environment variables:
a. AWS_RDS_HOME - The directory where the deployment files were copied to
check with:
Unix: ls ${AWS_RDS_HOME}/bin should list rds-describe-db-instances ...)
Windows: dir %AWS_RDS_HOME%\bin should list rds-describe-db-instances ...)
b. JAVA_HOME - Java Installation home directory
Mac: $ JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK/Home
4. Add ${AWS_RDS_HOME}/bin (in Windows: %AWS_RDS_HOME%\bin) to your path
5. (Unix only) Set execute permissions on all files in the bin directory: chmod +x ${AWS_RDS_HOME}/bin/*
Provide the command line tool with your AWS user credentials. There are two ways you can provide credentials: AWS keys, or using X.509 certificates.
Using AWS Keys
1. Create a credential file: The deployment includes a template file ${AWS_RDS_HOME}/credential-file-path.template. Edit a copy of this file to add your information.
On UNIX, limit permissions to the owner of the credential file: $ chmod 600 <the file created above>.
2. There are several ways to provide your credential information:
a. Set the following environment variable: AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE=<the file created in 1>
b. Alternatively, provide the following option with every command --aws-credential-file <the file created in 1>
c. Explicitly specify credentials on the command line: --I ACCESS_KEY --S SECRET_KEY