Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Setup for Using Amazon RDS

IN order to do any sort of MySQL configuration when using Amazon RDS, you will need to setup these tools on your workstation.

  •  Download the following zip and extract it to the location of your choosing.

1. Ensure that JAVA version 1.5 or higher is installed on your system: (java -version)
2. Unzip the deployment zip file
3. Set the following environment variables:
    a.  AWS_RDS_HOME - The directory where the deployment files were copied to
        check with:
           Unix: ls ${AWS_RDS_HOME}/bin should list rds-describe-db-instances ...)
           Windows: dir %AWS_RDS_HOME%\bin should list rds-describe-db-instances ...)
    b.  JAVA_HOME - Java Installation home directory
           Mac: $ JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK/Home

4. Add ${AWS_RDS_HOME}/bin (in Windows: %AWS_RDS_HOME%\bin) to your path
5. (Unix only) Set execute permissions on all files in the bin directory: chmod +x ${AWS_RDS_HOME}/bin/*

Provide the command line tool with your AWS user credentials. There are two ways you can provide credentials: AWS keys, or using X.509 certificates.

Using AWS Keys
1. Create a credential file: The deployment includes a template file ${AWS_RDS_HOME}/credential-file-path.template. Edit a copy of this file to add your information.
     On UNIX, limit permissions to the owner of the credential file: $ chmod 600 <the file created above>.
2. There are several ways to provide your credential information:
      a. Set the following environment variable: AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE=<the file created in 1>
      b. Alternatively, provide the following option with every command --aws-credential-file <the file created in 1>
      c. Explicitly specify credentials on the command line: --I ACCESS_KEY --S SECRET_KEY

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